Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Lung Cancer Can Predicted Through Foot Thumb Nail

Lung cancer at some people can be predicted through foot thumb nail. It's because the nicotine level in body can found at foot thumb. The research that done by experts in San Diego University, California, said Nail with higher nicotine have potential 3,5 higher of Lung Cancer then nail with low nicotine level.

The study, published in the American Journal of Epidemiology has also mentioned that the big toe nail is not only predict the risk of lung cancer in smokers, but also to people who do not smoke. That is, the risk of passive smoking could be measured.

The researchers asked 850 men on a regular basis, collecting pieces of their toe nails. The research was initiated in 1987 and lasted for 12 years. The results of their analysis predict that the person with the highest toenail nicotine levels 3.5 times higher risk of lung cancer 12 years later. (Tribunnews)


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