Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Lung Cancer Diseases Prevention

Lung Cancer Diseases Prevention - There is no sure way to prevent lung cancer, but you can reduce the risk if you:
lung cancer prevention
1. No smoking. If you have never smoked, do not start. Talk with your kids not to smoke so they could understand how to avoid a major risk factor of lung cancer. Many smokers start smoking in their teens. Start a conversation about the dangers of smoking with your children early so they know how to react to peer pressure.

2. Stop smoking. Stop smoking now. Quitting smoking reduces the risk of lung cancer, even if you have smoked for many years. Consultation with your doctor about smoking cessation strategies and assistance that can help you quit. Options include nicotine replacement products, medication and support groups.

3. Avoid carcinogens in the workplace. Precautions to protect themselves from exposure to toxic chemicals in the workplace. Your company must notify you if you are exposed to hazardous chemicals in your workplace. Follow the precautions your boss. For example, if you are given a mask for protection, always wear it. Ask your doctor what else can you do to protect themselves in the workplace. Risk of lung damage from carcinogens is increased if you smoke.

4. Eating foods containing fruits and vegetables. Choose a healthy diet with a variety of fruits and vegetables. Food sources of vitamins and nutrients are best. Avoid taking large doses of vitamins in pill form, as they may be dangerous. For example, the researchers hope to reduce the risk of lung cancer in heavy smokers to give them beta carotene supplements. The results showed supplementation actually increased the risk of cancer in smokers.

5. Drinking alcohol in moderation, if you can, absolutely not drink it. Limit yourself to one drink a day if you're a woman or two drinks a day if you're a man. Any person age 65 or older should drink no more than one drink a day.

6. Avoid cigarette smoke. If you live or work with smokers, encourage him to stop. At the very least, ask him to smoke outside. Avoid areas where people smoke, such as bars and restaurants, and choose smoke-free area.

7. Your home radon test. Check the levels of radon in your home, especially if you live in an area where radon is known to be a problem. High radon levels can be improved to make your home safer. For information on radon testing, call the health department.

8. Exercise. Achieve at least 30 minutes of sports on every day of the week. Check with your doctor first if you have not exercised regularly. Start slowly, and continue to add more activity. Cycling, swimming and walking are good choices. Add to exercise throughout your day, through the park when she went to work and walk along the road or take the stairs instead of elevators.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Lung Cancer Treatment

Lung Cancer Treatment | Bronchial benign tumors are usually removed surgically because they can clog the bronchi and long may become malignant. Sometimes performed surgery on the cancer other than small cell carcinoma that has not spread. Approximately 10-35% of cancers can be removed surgically, but surgery does not always bring healing.
lung cancer treatment
Approximately 25-40% of patients and isolated tumor grows slowly, has a life expectancy of up to 5 years after his illness was diagnosed. Patients should perform routine checks for lung cancer recurrence in 6-12% of patients who had undergone surgery.

In the Lung Cancer Treatment, before surgery, performed lung function tests to determine whether the remaining lung can still perform its functions well or not. If the result is ugly, it is not possible to do surgery.

Surgery is not necessary if:
a. The cancer has spread beyond the lung
b. Cancer is too close to the trachea
c. Patients have a serious condition (eg heart disease or lung weight).

In Lung Cancer Treatment, radiation therapy is performed on patients who can not undergo surgery because they have other serious illnesses. The purpose of radiation is to slow cancer growth, not for healing. Radiation therapy also can reduce muscle pain, superior vena cava syndrome and suppression of the spinal cord. But radiation therapy can cause inflammation of the lungs (pneumonitis due to radiation), with symptoms such as cough, shortness of breath and fever. These symptoms can be reduced by corticosteroids (eg prednisone).

At the time of diagnosis, small cell carcinoma is almost always spread to other body parts, making it impossible to do surgery. These cancers are treated with chemotherapy, sometimes radiation therapy disetai.

Patients with lung cancer who experienced a lot of lung function decline. To reduce respiratory disorders may be given oxygen therapy and drugs that dilate the airways (bronchodilators).

Diagnosis of Lung Cancer

Diagnosis of Lung Cancer - If some body have a permanent cough or the cough disease that more chronic or others lung cancer symptoms, So, this is have a possible to get the lung cancer. Sometimes the first direction like discovery of the shadow, the chest x-ray of someone who showed no symptoms. Chest X-rays can find most of lung tumors, although not all the shadows that look is a cancer

Diagnosis of Lung Cancer

Usually performed microscopic examination of tissue samples, which are sometimes derived from patients with sputum (sputum cytology). To obtain the necessary network, performed bronchoscopy.

CT scans can show a small shadow that is not visible on chest x-rays and may reveal enlarged lymph nodes. To find the spread to the liver, adrenal gland or brain, a CT scan of the abdomen and brain.

The spread of cancer to bone could be seen through scanning bone. Bone marrow biopsy is sometimes done, because of small cell carcinoma tends to spread to the bone marrow

Classification (stage) of cancer based on:
1. Tumor size
2. Spread to lymph nodes nearby
3. Spread to other organs.
This stage is used to determine the type of treatment will be performed and the prediction of disease in patients.

Friday, June 17, 2011

Know the Lung Cancer Symptoms

Lung Cancer Symptoms | The symptoms of lung cancer depend to it's kind, location and the way of it's spread.

Common symptoms is persistent cough, Chronic bronchitis patients who suffer from lung cancer is often noticed that the cough is getting worse.

Sputum may contain blood.
If the cancer grows into the underlying blood vessels, can cause severe bleeding.

Cancer can cause wheezing sound, because the narrowing of the airways in or around the growth of cancer.

Bronchial obstruction can cause the collapse of the lungs which is a ramification of bronchus, the condition is called atelectasis

Another result is: pneumonia with symptoms such as cough, fever, chest pain and shortness of breath.

If the tumor grows into the chest wall, can cause persistent chest pain.

Lung cancer Symptoms that arise later is the loss of appetite, weight loss and weakness. Lung cancer often leads to accumulation of fluid around the lungs (pleural effusion), so that patients experiencing shortness of breath.

If the cancer spreads in the lungs, may develop severe shortness of breath, low blood oxygen levels and heart failure.

Cancer can grow into certain nerves in the neck, causing Horner's syndrome, which consists of:
- The closure of the eyelids
- A small pupil
- Sunken eyes
- Reduced perspiration on one side of the face.

Cancer in the top of the lungs can grow into the nerves to the arm so that the arm pain, numbness and weakness. Damage can also occur in the nerve cords so that people with a hoarse voice.

Cancer can grow directly into the esophagus, or growing near the throat and squeezed, resulting in swallowing disorders. Sometimes abnormal tract formed (fistula) between the esophagus and bronchi, causing severe coughing during swallowing process takes place, because food and liquid into the lungs.

Lung cancer may grow into the heart and causes:
- Abnormal heart rhythm
- Enlarged heart
- Accumulation of fluid in the pericardial sack.

Cancer also can grow around the superior vena cava. This causes blockage of venous blood flowing back upwards, ie into other veins of the upper part of the body:

- Vein in the chest wall will be enlarged
- Face, neck and upper chest wall (including breast) will swell up and appear purple.

This situation also causes shortness of breath, headache, visual disturbances, dizziness and drowsiness. Symptoms usually get worse if the patient bend forward or lie down.

Lung cancer can also spread through the bloodstream to the liver, brain, adrenal glands and bone. This can happen at an early stage, especially in small cell carcinoma. Symptoms of liver failure, confusion, seizures, and bone pain; that could arise before the occurrence of various disorders of the lung, so early diagnosis is difficult to enforce.

Some lung cancer cause effects at a distance from the lungs, such as metabolic disorders, nerve disorders and muscle disorders (paraneoplastic syndrome).
This syndrome is not related to the size and location of the cancer and does not necessarily indicate that the cancer has spread beyond the chest; syndrome is caused by the material released by cancer.

The symptoms can be an early sign of cancer or an early indication that the cancer had returned, after such treatment. One example of the paraneoplastic syndrome is the Eaton-Lambert syndrome, characterized by muscle weakness incredible. Another example is muscle weakness and pain due to inflammation (polymyositis), which may be accompanied by inflammation of the skin (dermatomyositis).

Some lung cancer or hormone releasing hormone-like material, resulting in high levels of hormones that. Small cell carcinoma producing corticotropin (causing Cushing's syndrome) or antidiuretic hormone (causing fluid retention and low sodium levels in the blood). Formation of excessive hormones can also cause carcinoid syndrome, namely in the form of redness, wheezing breath sounds, diarrhea and heart valve abnormalities. Squamous cell carcinoma releasing hormone-like material that causes very high blood calcium levels.

Other hormonal syndromes associated with lung cancer are:
- Breast enlargement in men (gynecomastia)
- Excess thyroid hormone (hyperthyroidism)
- Skin changes (skin in the armpit become darker).
Lung cancer can also cause changes in the form of fingers and toes jkaki and changes at the end of long bones, which can be seen on x-rays.

Causes of Lung Cancer | Asbestos Cancer

Causes of Lung Cancer - Smoking is a major cause of about 90% of cases of lung cancer in men and about 70% in women. The more cigarettes smoked, the greater the risk for lung cancer.

Only a small proportion of lung cancer (about 10% -15% in men and 5% in women) caused by or inhaled substances encountered at work. Working with asbestos, radiation, arsenic, chromate, nickel, chloromethyl ethers, mustard gas and coke oven emissions can cause lung cancer, although usually only occurs in workers who also smoked.
causes of lung cancer
The role of air pollution as a cause of lung cancer is still unclear.
Some cases occur because of exposure by radon gas in the household.

Sometimes, lung cancer (particularly adenocarcinoma and alveolar cell carcinoma) occurred in people who already have lung scarring due to other lung diseases, such as tuberculosis and fibrosis.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

What is Lung Cancer | Types of Lung Cancer

What is Lung Cancer - Most lung cancers originate from cells in the lungs, but lung cancer can also originate from cancer in other body parts that spread to the lungs.
Types of Lung Cancer
Lung cancer is the most common cancer in both men and women.
Lung cancer is also the leading cause of cancer deaths.

Types of Lung Cancer

More than 90% of lung cancers originated from the bronchi (large airways into the lungs), cancer is called carcinoma bronkogenik, which consists of:
1. Squamous cell carcinoma
2. Small cell carcinoma or squamous cell wheat
3. Large cell carcinoma
4. Adenocarcinoma.

Alveolar cell carcinoma derived from air pockets (alveoli) in the lungs. This cancer can be a single growth, but often strike more than one area in the lungs.

Lung tumors are less common are:
1. Adenoma (can be malignant or benign)
2. Kondromatous hamartoma (benign)
3. Sarcoma (malignant)

Lymphoma is a cancer of the lymph system, which can be derived from the lung or is spread from another organ. Many cancers that originate from elsewhere to spread to the lungs. This cancer usually comes from the breast, colon, prostate, kidney, thyroid, stomach, cervix, rectum, testicles, bones and skin.

New Drug for Lung Cancer

Treatment for Lung Cancer - Two new treatments have been developed to prolong the lives of several patients suffering from advanced lung cancer. The discovery of the health sector was announced on Saturday (5/6). American Oncologist (ASCO)said that the first treatment involves an experimental drug called crizotinib can shrink tumors in the majority of lung cancer patients with certain gene variants.
drug for lung cancer
Crizotinib, made by Pfizer Inc., proved to be effective in prolonging survival for most patients who took part in a single stage treatment. The patients who had successfully treat "non-small lung cancer cell" with a specific mutation ALK gene, which makes cancer gene fused with another gene. The patients treated in the study average for six months, and more than 90 percent of patients saw their tumors shrink in size. Then, 72 percent of the patients freedom of action, six months after treatment.

Second treatment were: two regimens of chemotherapy, which is useful for elderly patients. The patients represent the majority of people worldwide are affected by lung cancer. Maintenance phase of the third trial, involved 451 patients with non-small lung cancer cell aged 70-89. It also shows the results of which survive well in the group taking the combination therapy.

In this experiment, participants were randomly selected to get one of the chemotherapeutic agent gemcitabine (Gemzar) or vinorelbine (Navelbine), or to receive carboplatin and paclitaxel (Taxol).

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Lung Cancer Care to Stay Healthy

Lung Cancer Care - Having a healthy lung is everyone's dream, for it is the lungs must be kept healthy and strong.

"The lungs are organs of long-lasting as long as he was not attacked from outside, and cared for," says Norman H. Edelman, MD as chief medical officer of the American Lung Association (ALA), as quoted by, on Friday (20/5/2011).

But unfortunately many people who do not realize this, so without realizing some of his habits can actually damage the lungs.

Here are tips you can do to keep lungs to stay healthy and strong among others:
1. Doing sports

2. Do not smoke of any kind

3. Keeping the air clean

4. Eating the right foods

5. Using protective equipment when working

6. Using safe products

Some household products sometimes remove particles or gases that are harmful to the lungs. Try to avoid oil based products, products that release volatile organic compounds (volatile organic compounds/VOCs), avoid the use of ammonia and read the label carefully.

7. Improving indoor air

The air in the room also can affect lung health, such as the carpet is not clean, air freshener with hazardous chemicals, excessive use of candles or the workmanship of the building. To that provide good ventilation for the room and reduce the resources that affect the lungs.

Lung Cancer Can Predicted Through Foot Thumb Nail

Lung cancer at some people can be predicted through foot thumb nail. It's because the nicotine level in body can found at foot thumb. The research that done by experts in San Diego University, California, said Nail with higher nicotine have potential 3,5 higher of Lung Cancer then nail with low nicotine level.

The study, published in the American Journal of Epidemiology has also mentioned that the big toe nail is not only predict the risk of lung cancer in smokers, but also to people who do not smoke. That is, the risk of passive smoking could be measured.

The researchers asked 850 men on a regular basis, collecting pieces of their toe nails. The research was initiated in 1987 and lasted for 12 years. The results of their analysis predict that the person with the highest toenail nicotine levels 3.5 times higher risk of lung cancer 12 years later. (Tribunnews)

Monday, June 13, 2011

Tip Lung Health Maintaining

Tip Lung Health Maintaining - Your lungs can take a lot of punishment from the air you breathe and an unhealthy lifestyle. The American Lung Association offers these suggestions to help improve lung health:

Here is a short way to maintain lung health:

1. Avoid smoking or exposure to secondhand smoke.
2. Limit exposure to airborne pollutants, including chemicals and smoke.
3. Minimize the risk of respiratory tract infections. Keep hands clean and get a vaccination to protect against diseases such as flu and pneumonia.
4. Conduct regular medical checkups to help detect lung problems from the beginning.

Staging of Lung Cancer

Staging of Lung Cancer can be divided into two, namely the development of Small cell lung cancer (SCLC) and Non small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) development.

Staging of Lung Cancer

Staging of Lung Cancer (small cell lung cancer)

1. Limited stage, cancer is found only on one part of the lung and the surrounding tissue.

2. Extensive stage, the cancer is found in breast tissue outside the lungs where it came from. Or the cancer is found in the organs of the body that far.

Development Stage NSCLC (nonsmall cell lung cancer

1. Occult stage is the stage of the discovery of cancer cells in the sputum (sputum) of patients in the water samples during bronchoscopy, but no visible tumor in the lung.

2. Stage 0 is the discovery stage of the cancer cells only in the innermost lining of the lungs and are not invasive.

3. Stage I is the stage of cancer that is found only in the lung and has not spread to nearby lymph nodes.

4. Stage II is the stage of cancers found in the lungs and lymph nodes nearby.

5. Stage III is the stage of cancer that has spread to surrounding areas, such as chest wall, diaphragm, large vessels or lymph nodes on the same side or opposite sides of the tumor.

6. Stage IV is the stage of cancer found in more than one lobe of the lung are the same, or in other lungs. Cancer cells have spread also to other organs, such as the brain, adrenal gland, liver, and bone.

Best Lung Cancer Treatment | Treatment with Herbs

Best Lung Cancer Treatment - Cancer is now no longer deadly. The cancer patients in Indonesia can have a longer life expectancy with the discovery of plants 'rodent tuber' as a medicinal plant that can stop and treat various cancers, and various other chronic diseases. Kind of taro plants with maximum height of 25 to 30 cm, only grows in the bush that is not exposed to direct sunlight. "This plant is commonly found in Java," said Drs.Patoppoi Pasau, the first person who found the plant in Indonesia. Medicinal plants have been studied since 1999 by Prof. Dr. Chris KHTeo, Dip Agric (M), BSc Agric (Hons) (M), MS, PhD from Universiti Sains Malaysia and also the founder of Cancer Care Penang, Malaysia. Cancer treatment institutions established in 1995 that has helped thousands of patients from Malaysia, America, Britain, Australia, New Zealand, Singapore, and various countries in the world.

According to the doctor, if his colleagues learned that he was on treatment alternatives, they will give the title as the physician-healer. "This is an open gap between conventional and modern medicine," said the doctor.

Many interesting things happened Boni for receiving and providing assistance to various patients. There's even a heavy addict putaw, and shabu-shabu in Surabaya, which in turn addicts are getting lung cancer. After receiving the verdict of lung cancer stage III, the patient was taking pills and teas from the Cancer Care.
best lung cancer treatment
The result is quite surprising, as it turns out the drug to remove toxic drugs from the patient's blood circulation, and overcome the dependence on these drugs. "But, if the addict is able to neutralize the poison with taro rat, she should not do drugs anymore, because surely there will be resistance. So do not like kebo, after wallowing bath again, "Boni said, laughing.

Also there is the experience of patients who roared in pain due to cancer gnawing attack, because the painkillers are not working anymore. After the rats were given drinking juice taro, a moment later the patient is calm and no longer feel pain.

According to data from Cancer Care Malaysia, various diseases have been cured are a variety of serious illnesses such as cancer and breast cancer, lung, colon-rectum, liver, prostate, kidney, cervix, throat, bone, brain, spleen, leukemia, bile , pancreas, and hepatitis