Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Cancer Diseases Increasingly Threaten You

Cancer Disease more Threaten - Cancer has become the leading cause of death worldwide. The incidence rate and the greater the burden of cancer. Globally, cancer deaths exceeds the number of people with AIDS, malaria, and tuberculosis.

However, without any meaningful action to prevent premature death from cancer, the disease will continue to kill millions of people across the face of the earth. To stop the increase in deaths from cancer, needs urgent action from governments, individuals, and community health.

The World Cancer Congress to-21 in Shenzen, China, 18-21 August, which was held the International Union Against Cancer (UICC), UICC President David Hill said, the reduction of the global cancer epidemic has become one of the urgent global health priorities. Therefore, the global cancer community must continue to discuss and work together to promote the importance of prevention, screening, detection, and treatment and effective management.

Congress of the theme of prevention of preventable diseases, treat patients who can be treated, through a system of expectations into reality. This conference discusses cancer prevention, screening or screening, early detection, early treatment, and support for special treatment, hospital care, and other problems.

Based on data released by the International Agency for Research on Cancer, one of the agencies under the UN World Health Organization, global cancer patients reached 12.7 million people in 2008 and resulted in the death of 7.6 million people. In 2030 predicted there will be 21.4 million new cancer cases with 13.2 million deaths.

Cancer can continue to be a deadly disease, said Otis W. Brawley, because of the swift industrialization and the adoption of Western lifestyles. In addition, population growth and aging will also increase the cancer cases.

Patients with cancer in the world is lung cancer (12.7 percent), breast cancer (10.9 percent), and colon cancer (9.7 percent). As many as 58 percent of cancer cases occur in poor and developing countries as well as mortality reached 63 percent.

While the causes of cancer deaths globally is the highest lung cancer (18.2 percent), followed by stomach cancer, and liver cancer. If visible location, in developing countries more cases of cervical cancer and liver cancer. In developed countries the most dominant is prostate cancer and colon cancer.

When viewed by gender, based on data from the World Health Organization (WHO), among men, the highest mortality occurred in patients with lung cancer, stomach, liver, and colon. As for the cancer among women breast, lung, stomach, colon, and uterus.

Cancer Can be prevented

Hill said, is actually one-third of all cancer cases are preventable. Almost most or about 40 percent incidence of lifestyle factors caused cancer, infectious diseases, and environmental or work-related hazardous substances.

"That means the potential to prevent cancer. Necessary adaptation of global, national, and individuals to prove if these factors were addressed, cases and cancer deaths can be reduced, "said Hill.

In developing countries, triggering the high incidence of cancer is tobacco use, alcohol, eat less vegetables and fruits, as well as chronic infections of hepatitis B virus (HBV), hepatitis C virus (HCV), and some types of Human Papilloma Virus (HPV).

Prevention strategies by increasing avoidance on the factors above, vaccination against HPV and hepatitis B virus, control the intake of substances hazard, and reduce exposure to sunlight.

In controlling the increase of cancer in the world, according to Otis W. Bradley of the American Cancer Society, said the current message should be heavily echoed this is early detection saves lives.

Early detection can reduce the burden of one-third of cases of cancer if detected and treated early. Early detection of cancer based on the observation that treatment is more effective when cancer is detected early. The aim is to detect cancer when it is local (not spread).

Tobacco products

From a number of lifestyle factors that trigger the emergence of cancer, tobacco use could be one of the main factors preventing the most widespread cancer in the world today. Tobacco causes 80-90 percent of deaths from lung cancer and about 30 percent of deaths from cancer in developing countries.

Control of tobacco products which harm their own health became a serious issue discussed in the world cancer congress this time. Ala Alwan, Assistant Director-General of the World Health Organization, said the cigarette the most risk for non-comunnicable diseases, like heart disease, stroke, cancer, diabetes, and chronic lung disease.

Therefore, there should be a comprehensive strategy, including the prohibition of advertisements and sponsorship of tobacco products, increasing taxes on tobacco, and intensify programs to reduce tobacco consumption. This initiative has demonstrated effective results reduce the number of cancer deaths. Unfortunately, not all countries implement the necessary interventions.

Only about 9 percent of the country that mandates smoke-free bars and restaurants as well as 65 states reported implementing tobacco-free policies at the national level.

Infectious diseases cause nearly 22 percent of deaths in developing countries and 6 percent in industrialized countries.

The world needs to join hands to make the cancer is no longer a major killer. The challenge that control the global increase in cancer cases, found a treatment that does not torture people, and improve survival.


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